
Blackberry Coconut Ice Cream


I don't think I have ever made home made ice cream I didn't like and this was no exception. I did try and keep this one healthier by keep the sugar low so you may not find it sweet enough but I was okay with it. It does become quite hard so I found I had to let it sit a bit before eating it, so I recommend eating it within the first two days. Day 1 after just a few hours of freezing is the best.

2 1/2 cup unsweetened coconut milk
1 tbsp glucose
1 tsp pure vanilla extract
2 egg yolks
1 tbsp cornstarch
3 tbsp Xylitol (you can use granulated sugar)
2 cups blackberries
1/4 cup honey
1) Preheat oven to 375F. Place blackberries on stone wear or silpat on baking sheet. Drizzle honey over blackberries. Bake for 15 minutes and let cool. 2) Combine coconut milk, glucose, vanilla and 1 tbsp Xylitol in a medium sauce pan. On medium heat, bring to a boil 3) In a medium bowl whisk together egg yolks, cornstarch and 2 tbsp Xylitol 4) While whisking, slowly pour in approximately 1/2 cup of the liquid, then add approximately 1 more cup to continuing to temper the eggs. Continue to whisk to prevent curdling 5) Add the milk/egg mixture into the saucepan with remaining milk and return to medium heat. Whisk constantly until mixture thickens, do not let mixture boil. 6) Run thickened mixture through a strainer into a medium bowl, cover the liquid directly with saran wrap. Place this bowl into a bowl filled with ice water and place in the fridge to cool completely. 7) Once the mixture is cool, run through your ice cream machine following machine instructions. My kitchen aid was approximately 25 minutes. Add half the blackberries in the last 5 minutes. 8) Fold in the remaining blackberries by hand, then place the mixture in a freezer proof container.


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