
Baileys Chocolate Frosting


Chocolate. And. Alcohol. What could make for a more amazing frosting? My Favourite Chocolate Cake (recipe on blog) is a perfect base for this frosting, because it is so moist and has such a wonderfully rich dark chocolate flavour without being too sweet. The frosting takes care of the sweetness! Although, the frosting is definitely not sickly sweet, as the cocoa really brings through a deep chocolatey-ness, the cake and frosting make for a very nicely balanced pair. Of course, the Bailey’s helps

1.Add the softened butter to the bowl of a stand mixer (or a large bowl and using an electric hand beater). Whip the butter until it is pale and creamy, around 3-4 minutes. 2.Add two cups of the icing sugar...
See the full directions on my site