
Carrots Broccoli Egg Salad


Yes, there is a way to eat that broccoli and those hard carrots (no ranch dressing required!), and still enjoy it. "What?", you might ask yourself, "Enjoy eating broccoli and carrots? As if! I'm not that gullible!" But, before you click the back button or search for some vitamin or vegetable substitution, I invite you try the simple recipe below. It is possible to eat your veggies in a natural way, without forcing it down your throat. Hey, don't raise your eyebrows!

Serving size 1

*2 Eggs (yeah, stating the obvious)
*1 Carrot
*Broccoli (as much as you're willing to eat)
*Mayonnaise (optional)
Step 1: Boil the eggs. This takes about 20 minutes on High if you're using a gas stove. After they are cooked you should let them cool off a bit, unless you're one of those people who can handle a hot egg in your hand without rushing for the nearest faucet. Once the eggs have cooled off, peel them and chop them into neat pieces. Step 2: Rinse the broccoli (you know, in case a few nasty germs survived the pesticides and chemicals that the food industry is infamous for), and cut it into bite-sized pieces. Step 3: Rinse the carrots. We want thin, fine slices of carrot. To do this, bring the knife down, shaving off a thin slice from the side of the carrot (you might want to get rid of the outermost layer because of the dirt). It's like sharpening a pencil with a knife. We want carrot shavings, not carrot lumps. The carrots must go smoothly down our throats! You don't have to use all of the carrot, just as much as you're willing to swallow. Step 4: Mix all ingredients in a bowl. Add about a forkful of mayonnaise. "Gasp! But that's unhealthy!", you might protest. Don't fear, this is not a requirement and a little mayonnaise shouldn't be too harmful. However, if you and Mayo just can't seem to share the same room, then, by all means, show Mayo the front door. Just sprinkle some salt on the salad (something that I encourage you to do even if you do add mayonnaise). Enjoy!


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