Freezer Meal

How to Make Puff Pastry.


Very often it is necessary to prepare puff pastry. This is a recipe how to do it quickly and tasty.

0,5 kg of flour, pinch of salt, 0.5 kilograms and 2 tablespoons butter, 350 ml of cold water.
Sift 0,5 kilogram of flour, add a pinch of salt, 2 table-spoons of butter, stir. Then gradually pour in 350 ml of cold water. Knead the dough. The surface of the table, sprinkle with flour. Place the dough and make a rectangle using a rolling pin. The width of the test should not exceed 1,5 see Put in the middle of 0,5 kg of butter, lubricate them the dough with a spoon. Fold the edges. Remove the cold for 15-20 minutes. If you do not use stored in the refrigerating chamber.